Why I Finally Did a Boudoir Session (& You Should Too!)

Hey #SheerBeauties! I took a big leap and traveled from New York to Youngstown, Ohio for my first boudoir shoot. It took a whole year of planning, intense workouts, and lots of prayer to make this happen…but it was all worth it! I'm excited to share the behind-the-scenes story & some of my favorite images with all of you.

There are many different reasons a person may want to do a boudoir session. For some it may serve as a wedding or anniversary gift, for others they may want to overcome body image issues or get a confidence boost. For me personally I had been following a dynamic couple; Brian and Jen, for many years on Instagram. Initially I had wanted to work with them as soon as I saw their feed and realized how incredibly talented they are. Despite this I was still a little apprehensive and it did take time for me to get more comfortable with the idea of being so vulnerable with my body in front of strangers. 🍑 I pretty much sat on the sidelines & pondered about how things would go if I ever booked my own shoot. Eventually one day I just decided to go for it & I’m so thankful I did! Shopping for lingerie & scouting out poses was so much fun. I really feel like my photos captured my personality and I was truly captivated & in awe of how I was captured on film. 

One of my favorite parts of my shoot was recreating the famous scene from the Wolf of Wall Street, “Morning Ritual”. Featured in these photo with me is an amazing local model, Tyjaan King.

When I saw my boudoir photos it was such a surreal feeling. I had never quite seen myself that way before & it felt almost as if I was seeing myself for the first time. The experience of seeing my photos allowed me to see how beautiful I truly am. Going through my divorce at a young age had left me feeling insecure, and this boudoir shoot definitely helped me validate myself and feel more confident in my own skin. It was worth every penny I spent! I can't wait to do it all again!

So, I challenge you to do a boudoir shoot at least once in your life. It doesn't matter if you're male or female, big or small, young or old. Boudoir photography is for everyone. It's time to embrace your inner beauty and celebrate yourself!

XOXO, Victoria

I did it for me! You can do it for you

“A friend of mine had invited me to the Sheer VIP group a few years ago. I had no idea what boudoir photography was, and when I found out, my self talk was awful! I figured I'd be a wallflower in the group and join in on building others up, because I was good at that.

When I took the leap to book my first shoot, I was on vacation with my daughter. I looked at the Sheer website and I was reading the blog. I couldn't tell you whose blog it was, but it hit me upside the head. I booked my first shoot right then and there. BEST. DECISION. EVER! I had so much fun the first time, that I couldn't wait to do it again.

For both, I did the shoot for me. Not for a present for anyone else, just a present for me. I still can't believe those pictures are of me. I don't know what sort of voodoo magic happens from the time the picture is taken to when it shows up on the viewfinder or in Jen's computer, but that woman I see, is what I want to believe about myself. I want to be able to look in the mirror and say, "Yes, this is me!" That was how I felt after my first time. I have one of the metals on my dresser so it's the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing I see before bed. That woman is confident, beautiful, sensual, sexy, and present. That woman is me!! That metal and those pictures help to remind me of where I want to be mentally.

Then this past Mother's Day happened. Life was doing its thing and I wanted to have something to look forward to. So, I went ahead and booked a second shoot. It was so much fun! There's even a few pictures I can tell that I had to remember to be serious because I was laughing so hard. Who does that, half or fully naked?!?! The app alone is such a good reminder of who I am and who I want to be and so handy! I've never liked pictures of myself much at all, and I haven't had an issue with that at Sheer. I do like them. Some I love, but I have yet to have one with Sheer that I just looked at and said eww or no or anything negative.

Between the VIP group, the sessions, and the photos afterwards, in whatever medium you get them in, the whole experience is worth it. Why? Because you are worth it, every second, every penny.”

XoXo - Casey

Holly’s #SheerExperience

Hi lovely ladies!  I’m so happy to share my #SheerBeauty experience with you!

For starters, a beautiful friend thought of me & invited me to the group.  At the time, I had no clue how much I was missing out on all the uplifting that has been made possible by Jennifer & Brian Dirksen sharing their amazing talent through Sheer Photography!  I watched in the background for a little while & slowly began to appreciate what they were doing for you all.  I wanted some of that for myself!  I was totally nervous the second I booked my session, however, I kept an eye on all the wonderful posts, videos, & Facebook Lives.  Although I was still nervous, I became more confident with each passing week. 

When it was finally time for my shoot, again, still nervous, it was like a different me.  That may sound silly, but they changed my outlook of myself before I ever got to the studio!  It was like I was there to see friends, which I now know, I was!  Jen & Brian are so down-to-earth, you instantly feel welcomed by them & they seem to strip self-doubt from you like they have magic wands.  When I got out of my car, I let out a big breath to try to calm the nerves that had been creeping up on my drive in.

As soon as I got to the top of the stairs, all my fears left me somehow & I was giddy over how exciting the experience was going to be!  I was ready to be pampered (because who’s kidding – I booked the whole package deal)!  Go big or go home, right?  The excitement that Jen surrounded me with during makeup & hair lead to an incredible calmness in me.  I just got more & more thrilled as we went.

When I looked in the mirror after my hair & makeup was done, I had to do a double take (more like three)!  I had no idea I was looking at myself!  There have been very few times in my life when I have felt as beautiful as I did then!  It was simply amazing!  I couldn’t wait to get started!  From there the rest is history!  I just had fun & let Jen & Brian guide me through.  It was truly the best thing I ever did for myself!

I’ll wrap up by saying this…  Initially, I thought I was doing the session as a surprise gift for my wonderful husband of 22 years.  I even developed a massive plan to hide all of the details from him so he wouldn’t know in advance what I was doing.  I mean it was elaborate & I am a horrible liar.  In the end, I finally understood this was (is) for me.

If you are thinking you can’t do this (for whatever reason your mind is telling you that you can’t), please reconsider.  There is nothing in this world that will make you feel as elated as this!  I promise you, you will NOT regret it!  I know there are many things that can make us feel like it’s something we don’t need.  However, you will be so happy you did it!  I’m 48 years old, a mother of a young adult, and by no means skinny.  I have more things about my body that I don’t like than I can even count.  Yet, that day I felt like I was as young as ever & enjoyed the beauty that my body can be when I see what others see.

Today, while I still struggle with some of those things, Jen & Brian have allowed my mind to forget many of them.  I can now say I enjoy my whole self in a way that wasn’t possible before I became a part of the #SheerBeauty family!  Come join us!

#BodyLove 1.0

About 6 months ago, I was not feeling good about myself. I was heavier than I've ever been, I was stressed from trying to do it ALL, but I felt like I was failing at everything...failing as a wife, mother, friend, business owner...nothing seemed to be where I wanted it to be. And if you know me, then you know that I am a HUGE control freak. So, when nothing was going the way I wanted it to I put all the blame on myself and bottled it up. One thing I'm really good at is keeping all my emotions bottled inside until it explodes and Brian is always the one who has to deal with the "brunt of Jen". Sorry about that Mr. Dirksen ;) but he is always there to keep me together and put a smile on my face.

3 months of this and I had to do something. I contacted my friend, Tiffany, who sells AdvoCare. I needed a change for myself, for Brian, for Keira (our daughter). I wasn't happy with my body and I felt like changing that would help everything else come together. And guess what?!?! It did...a little! It is amazing how one little change can help your whole life. Brian and I participated in the 24 day challenge and started eating better. We both lost a little weight, have so much energy, continue to try eating healthier and I have gained this whole new outlook on life. Not only do I see the beauty in myself more and more each day, but I also see the beauty in others so much more. It is so sad that we feel ashamed of our bodies...we need to embrace our bodies and compliment other women. Working with women has made me realize that no matter how beautiful everyone else thinks someone is, all they see when they look into the mirror are their own flaws. When did we start focusing so much on the bad rather than all the good in ourselves? When did it become wrong to say "I love my thighs", "I am proud that my stomach has stretched and shrank after having a baby", "I love my ass!"? I know if I tell someone else what I like about my body I start to feel vain and conceited. Brian takes FREAKING GORGEOUS pictures of me, but do I feel sexy everyday...no way! I still struggle with my body just like a lot of women do. But, I do feel pretty damn good though when I look at my boudoir pictures and see how fucking hot and sexy I can be.

Anyways, the point of hosting #BodyLove was to show women that no matter their age, shape or size, they should embrace their bodies and love where they are at this moment in their life. This wasn't about being sexy, it was a day about loving yourself and the journey your body has been through. 

These 9 women laughed with us, had fun with us, let their guard down for us and shared their stories with us. Thank you to all of these gorgeous ladies for taking part in #BodyLove!

These 9 women laughed with us, had fun with us, let their guard down for us and shared their stories with us. Thank you to all of these gorgeous ladies for taking part in #BodyLove!

A few of the ladies wanted to share their stories with you...

Miss T ~ I had such a good time and it definitely made me realize some things about myself. "Sexy" is definitely different for everyone. I am not comfortable with the "normal" idea of sexy. And that's fine. What works for me is confident, silly, tough. What I find most sexy about me is my tattoos. I have always looked at my tattoos as a way to cope with my body issues and until I get the tone/strong/ft body I'm working for, I'm gonna rock my tattooed mommy body!!! I'm coming to accept that even though I'm not happy with how it looks it also in a way shows strength because I made two beautiful boys in this body!

Miss C ~ I'm ashamed of my body, my stomach looks like a road map. Between surgeries and being pregnant it's been through hell. I never had one stretch mark till I got pregnant, not one!!! My arms and legs are gross and I may be the only fat woman in this world with small boobs!! In the last few months I've learned that I shouldn't care what others think. I'm not the normal woman, but I'm my own kind of beautiful. I get up everyday and now look at the mirror and try to see what others may see. I'm proud of myself for doing the BodyLove project!! I may have not have bared it all, but I bared more than I ever thought I could!!!

Miss M ~ I'm a stay at home mom and wife. My husband and I have 4 beautiful children together. 3 here on earth and our first born in heaven. Our angel would have been 4 this past May. Our second turned 3 in March and our twins turned a year in January. Thank you for letting me be involved in #bodylove with you guys. I really enjoyed myself and I can't want to come back again.

Miss A ~ I have had body image issues since I can remember. I lost a ton of weight prior to getting married and was finally happy in my own skin and felt great. Following my wedding, I got pregnant and I loved every minute of being pregnant. I wasn't worried about the weight gain because I knew I was creating another human and the weight would melt off as I breast fed my son.  Well, I breast fed my son for 14 months and didn't lose a pound! I was once again miserable with the way my body looked. Until one day, I was doing my hair at my bathroom mirror in my bra and panties. I looked up and for the first time in a long time actually saw myself in the mirror! After looking for a while and criticizing my body in my head I made myself STOP!! Since that day I have been working hard to find things I love about my body. I wanted to participate in the #BodyLove project because I knew it would help me in my journey to love my body.  I did it in hopes that by loving myself, I can teach my children to love themselves! Thank you Brian+Jen for all that you do to help build woman up! 

Miss J ~ #BodyLove is accepting the skin you’re in. It's easy to say and hard to actually accept. To me, my body has been through war and back. The everlasting war in every woman’s brain from the time of puberty. Looking back at all the pictures from High School I beg my body to go back to that size, yet when I was in High School that body wasn’t good enough. BodyLove makes me appreciate the body I have RIGHT this moment. This body has given birth two times, been through a surgery or two, and ate a crap load of chocolate and ice cream when I want it. As I grow I find myself actually appreciating what my body can do. I take the little steps instead of wishing for large leaps in making my body better. Sure, it might be chubby and I might have a few scars across my stomach but I am beautiful. How do I know that? My husband tells me every single day. Days like today when I get to appreciate my body for what it is and how it’s made help me get through the days where the magazines tell me I am not small enough. I am finally comfortable in the skin I am in.

Be on the look out for #BodyLove 2.0 Coming this Fall!!!

Ready to see yourself how everyone else sees you?!?! 

Insecurities...we all have them!

#BodyLove #SheerBeauty

This blog post is EXTREMELY SCARY for me to do. Why?!?! Because these images are of me. I never want to ask you ladies to do something I wouldn't personally do. If you guys have been following us, then you know I am not afraid to get in front of the camera. However, it was a little scary to get in front of the camera and show the world my insecurities. I have extra tummy weight, scars, cellulite and stretch marks...but that's ok because I know that I have those things from living life and bringing a beautiful child into this world.

Working with women of all ages, shapes and sizes has made me come to realize that EVERY single one of us has insecurities about our bodies. Sheer Photography would LOVE to help all women see their true BEAUTY instead of their "flaws". All women are beautiful and our mission is to help bring that out in each of you. It's ok to LOVE who you are and who you have become as a woman. 

As a woman, a wife and a mother to a beautiful little girl, there is nothing I want more than for my daughter to see her true beauty for the rest of her life. I know one day that she, just like every other woman I have met, is going to see her "flaws" and I won't be there to tell her how pretty she is, how wonderful she is and what a good person she is. But what I can do is help more women see their true beauty in themselves. 

I am asking all of you BEAUTIFUL WOMEN to let us show you that you are GORGEOUS. You are SEXY. You are AMAZING. You are PERFECTLY, IMPERFECT. No matter what "flaws" you see in yourself, you are BEAUTIFUL!! You are an amazing mother, daughter, wife, friend and woman. 

We are not here to judge you...we want to help build you up. We want you to see the beauty that everyone else sees in you. 

For one day only, Sheer Photography is offering a FREE #BodyLove #SheerBeauty image to anyone that would like to participate. You can be as clothed or unclothed as you would like. You can share your story with us or keep it private. This will not include hair or makeup, we would like to photograph you either in your natural state or your everyday type of hair and makeup. 

If you are available on Sunday, June 28th between 1:00PM - 5:00PM please fill out the contact form below or send us an email to schedule your COMPLIMENTARY #BodyLove photo shoot. We promise to keep it short and sweet. 

You only have one body, love the one your in!

#BodyLove #SheerBeauty