Holly’s #SheerExperience

Hi lovely ladies!  I’m so happy to share my #SheerBeauty experience with you!

For starters, a beautiful friend thought of me & invited me to the group.  At the time, I had no clue how much I was missing out on all the uplifting that has been made possible by Jennifer & Brian Dirksen sharing their amazing talent through Sheer Photography!  I watched in the background for a little while & slowly began to appreciate what they were doing for you all.  I wanted some of that for myself!  I was totally nervous the second I booked my session, however, I kept an eye on all the wonderful posts, videos, & Facebook Lives.  Although I was still nervous, I became more confident with each passing week. 

When it was finally time for my shoot, again, still nervous, it was like a different me.  That may sound silly, but they changed my outlook of myself before I ever got to the studio!  It was like I was there to see friends, which I now know, I was!  Jen & Brian are so down-to-earth, you instantly feel welcomed by them & they seem to strip self-doubt from you like they have magic wands.  When I got out of my car, I let out a big breath to try to calm the nerves that had been creeping up on my drive in.

As soon as I got to the top of the stairs, all my fears left me somehow & I was giddy over how exciting the experience was going to be!  I was ready to be pampered (because who’s kidding – I booked the whole package deal)!  Go big or go home, right?  The excitement that Jen surrounded me with during makeup & hair lead to an incredible calmness in me.  I just got more & more thrilled as we went.

When I looked in the mirror after my hair & makeup was done, I had to do a double take (more like three)!  I had no idea I was looking at myself!  There have been very few times in my life when I have felt as beautiful as I did then!  It was simply amazing!  I couldn’t wait to get started!  From there the rest is history!  I just had fun & let Jen & Brian guide me through.  It was truly the best thing I ever did for myself!

I’ll wrap up by saying this…  Initially, I thought I was doing the session as a surprise gift for my wonderful husband of 22 years.  I even developed a massive plan to hide all of the details from him so he wouldn’t know in advance what I was doing.  I mean it was elaborate & I am a horrible liar.  In the end, I finally understood this was (is) for me.

If you are thinking you can’t do this (for whatever reason your mind is telling you that you can’t), please reconsider.  There is nothing in this world that will make you feel as elated as this!  I promise you, you will NOT regret it!  I know there are many things that can make us feel like it’s something we don’t need.  However, you will be so happy you did it!  I’m 48 years old, a mother of a young adult, and by no means skinny.  I have more things about my body that I don’t like than I can even count.  Yet, that day I felt like I was as young as ever & enjoyed the beauty that my body can be when I see what others see.

Today, while I still struggle with some of those things, Jen & Brian have allowed my mind to forget many of them.  I can now say I enjoy my whole self in a way that wasn’t possible before I became a part of the #SheerBeauty family!  Come join us!