To Tan or Not to Tan: The Ultimate Guide for your Boudoir Session

Boudoir sessions are an empowering experience for every man, woman or couple. They allow you to feel comfortable and confident in your own skin. However, when preparing for such a session, you may face the dilemma of whether to tan or not to tan. While some prefer to show off their natural skin tone, some opt to accentuate their curves and lines with a bronzed glow. In this blog, we’ll provide you with the ultimate guide to help you decide whether to tan or not to tan for your Sheer Experience.

To Tan: A bronzed glow adds definition to your curves and exaggerates your best features. However, it's important to avoid fake tan or spray tan if you're allergic or prone to skin irritation. Instead, choose a reputable tanning salon that uses organic products or opt for a self-tanning lotion. A gradual tan is always a better option than an instant tan, as it looks more natural.

Not to Tan: Embracing your natural skin tone can also produce stunning results in your boudoir photos. Soft, natural light complements every skin tone and highlights the beautiful details in your skin. It's all about confidence and being comfortable in your own skin. So, if you are not a regular tanner, don't worry about it.

Enhancing Your Natural Skin Tone: If you want to enhance your skin tone, there are some things you can do before your boudoir shoot. Hydrate your skin by applying a moisturizer after your shower, exfoliate your skin to remove dead skin cells and use a luminizer to add a subtle glow to your skin.

Your Outfit Choice: When deciding to tan or not to tan, consider your outfit choices. If you plan to wear white, a tan will show up more than if you opt for darker colors. If you're unsure, try on different outfits and see which one looks best on your skin tone.

Don't Worry Too Much: Ultimately, your confidence, personality and the mood of the photoshoot will play a more significant role than just the color of your skin. The goal is to feel comfortable and beautiful in the body you have. If you’re happy, that joy will translate in the photos.

Now that you have read our ultimate guide on whether to tan or not for your boudoir session, we hope you feel more prepared and confident for your upcoming shoot. Remember, whether you choose to tan or not, it's all about celebrating your natural beauty and feeling confident in your own skin. The most important thing is to have fun, relax, and enjoy the experience. And, as always, whether you choose Sheer or another boudoir photographer, go with someone you can trust and feel comfortable with. Now go ahead, fill out the form below to get more info on a session with us & strike a pose!

5 things that have helped me...maybe they can help you too

Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, Therapy, psychiatrist visits, medication, meditation, and the list goes on. These are all things that have been a part of my life, some more recent than others. 

In my mental health journey I’ve made mistakes, changed paths, learned lessons and can say that this past year I’ve been able to become the best version of myself. Everyone’s journey is different, but I wanted to share a few lessons I’ve learned along the way. 

  1. Routine. Having one and sticking to it makes my life less stressful and helps me keep up with everyday tasks that can be difficult to complete. For me this means keeping a schedule of daily tasks even the little things like washing dishes, and sticking to it.

  2. Therapy. Bi-weekly when I’m doing well and weekly when I’m not. It helps me keep up with healthy habits and work though anything that life throws my way. Don’t be afraid to change therapists, it took me a few to find the right match for my needs.

  3. Exercise. It helps me connect with my body, provides a positive stress relief and has improved my confidence and my physical health.

  4. Communication. The people closest to me, and even my closest co-workers (I know scary) know how I’m feeling. This allows me to have an off day or a bad day without making things harder by trying to cover my anxiety or ADHD. My colleagues have been more supportive than I could have ever imagined.

  5. Medication. This was hard for me, I wanted to work through everything using therapy and I struggled to accept that I needed more. I was afraid I wouldn’t feel like myself and the truth is I feel more like myself now that I’ve found the right medications and doses.

If you’ve made it this far your probably wondering what this has to do with Sheer Photography. My journey with my mental health has often made it hard for me to feel comfortable in the skin I’m in. My anxiety points out all of my flaws and when I step in front of a mirror my eyes flow to the things I dislike the most. This was my second session with Sheer and initially it was scheduled as a birthday present to myself but it as it approached it felt more like a celebration of the changes I’ve made in the past year. Jen made me feel right at home as I settled in for hair and makeup before my session, and they did an amazing job of making me feel comfortable during the shoot. I didn’t have a single moment where I thought about what if this isn’t my best angle or what if I don’t like the pictures. The highlight was coming in to see the photos, there wasn’t a single one I didn’t like and I can’t wait to have my favorites on the wall at home to remind me that I am a #SheerBeauty. The after effects are lasting, I feel more comfortable in my skin and even wore out the little black dress that’s been hiding in the back of my closet and I felt amazing! While the shoot is only one day it’s a great way to remind yourself how amazing you are.

XoXo, Miss J