“But what if I’m not enough…”

Wow! I can feel those words in my soul. Constantly questioning everything I do, “but what if I’m not enough…”. I know a lot of our clients feel this way because so many have said, “I’m not as pretty/young/fit/confident as the women you share on the page. What makes me think I’m good enough to do this?” It breaks my heart every time I hear something like this, but I also completely get it because there are so many times I feel the same way. Do you know the only way to feel like you are good enough??? Just do it!! You have to do the thing you are questioning yourself with so that you can see YOU ARE ENOUGH!! Check out some of our favorite images from Miss M’s #SheerExperience and her thoughts on not being enough.

“On the day of my session, I walked up the stairs of the studio anxious as hell, second guessing myself as to why I even thought I would put myself thru the humiliation that I was sure to endure with my love handles & pregnancy scars ... I have always been super self-critical of my appearance & I even told Jen at the very beginning, “I am probably going to hate every picture of myself but I’m going to do this anyways!” I have been avidly following their insta page, obsessing over how beautiful & sexy all the women look in their photos & it enticed me that each & every woman would express how empowering their experience was at Sheer & how it helped them regain the confidence they once had for themselves. I am a single mom so the only thing getting in the way of me booking a session was just being able to justify that much of an expense on myself because us moms tend to think that we do not deserve to invest in ourselves, at least not to that degree.

2021 was the worst year of my life, literally. During the past year, I was blindsided with finding out that my boyfriend of 7 years had a year long affair with his ex which ultimately made me feel like I wasn’t enough, put my insecurity in my appearance into overdrive & caused me to slip into a deep depression. I lost all self confidence in myself & became more self critical than ever before. I hated feeling like I wasn’t good enough so I decided if ever there were a right time to book a session, it was NOW because I really NEEDED the extra confidence boost after a year of straight hell. I knew myself & I knew if I didn’t put a good chunk of change as a down payment that I would ultimately talk myself out of going, so I made it a point to make pre-payments to the Boudie Bank each payday so on the day of my session, I would have paid enough that I would not allow myself to not go through with it! And let me just say that was KEY into making me step foot through those doors the morning of ... I sat in my car for probably 20 minutes worried that I had no makeup on & felt ugly & apprehensive as to whether my photos were going to measure up to my expectations or inadvertently make me feel worse about myself ... I fully expected to hate every single picture that was about to be taken of me!

From the second I walked up the stairs of their studio, Brian & Jen were so welcoming & encouraging! They could clearly tell how nervous I was. They helped me select which of the 20+ outfits I had brought with me, unsure of which would work best for the shoot as they reassured me that this was going to be an experience that I would never forget. To say I was anxiously apprehensive but I came there with a goal in mind & damnit, I was going to follow through with at least giving it an honest try! After getting my first outfit on, I stared at myself in the mirror filled with self doubt, walked out of the dressing room & the first thing I hear is Jen say “Girl you are fire!” After the first couple shots, Jen showed me the back of the camera & I was absolutely blown away. “Is that really me?” I thought to myself ... omg I look good, NO I look amazing ... now I started to get excited which allowed my anxiety to subside which resulted in me feeling more at ease & getting more & more comfortable with each & every pose! Jen is so encouraging & they truly made me feel like I was crazy to think that I was anything less than badass, beautiful & sexy! For the first time in a very long time, they helped me feel so incredibly comfortable & sexy in my own skin again & at that moment, I was profoundly grateful that I pushed myself through my anxiety & dread & went through with this experience that I had wanted to do for so long.

At my reveal, I was still a little nervous that maybe I wouldn’t like that many still but OH. MY. GOD. I loved soooo many of the photos, I began to cry as I stood up to give Jen the biggest hug. They helped me see myself in a whole new light ... as I looked at the dozens of photos of myself displayed on the big screen, I couldn’t believe the woman I was seeing was MEEE ... I was speechless! I am beautiful. I am sexy. I am a bombshell. I loved soooo many of the shots that it was honestly hard AF to choose between them! I walked into my session with the intent of gaining some self confidence & I walked away with that & soooo much more! This was the most empowering experience of my adult female life & it wouldn’t have been possible without Brian & Jen at Sheer! If you have been skeptical or hesitant to book your session, DON’T BE & just DO IT ... I promise you will not regret it! They are phenomenal & as a single mom whom rarely  justifies spending much money on herself, this experience was worth every single penny & I can’t wait to book my next session with them!!!!”

XOXO, Miss M