Feeling Nervous For My 4th Boudoir Session? Here's What Happened

Let me start by saying that my experience with Sheer has been absolutely amazing. This was actually my fourth shoot with them and each one has been unique and special in its own way. Now, I have to be honest and admit that I was feeling nervous this time around. You would think that after doing this so many times and knowing Jen and Brian so well, I would be comfortable. But that wasn't the case. This shoot felt different. My body and mind were in a completely different place compared to my previous shoots. It's been a year and a half since I had my baby and I still haven't lost all the baby weight. And like most women, I tend to pick myself apart when I look in the mirror. There's always something I don't like about myself in the morning or my clothes don't fit the way I want them to. So going into the shoot, I was really nervous. I had just picked out my outfits the night before and wasn't feeling overly confident about them. Plus, I was bringing a whole new body to this shoot. But you know what? Jen and Brian didn't see any of that when they looked at me. They saw a beautiful, fierce woman. They reminded me that my body created life and even though it may be different now, it is still beyond beautiful. I left that day feeling the best I ever have after a shoot. They reminded me to be kind to myself, to love myself. Yes, there are days when I may be unhappy with my body, but I have to remember that my daughter and my soon-to-be husband see me in a completely different light than I see myself. Brian and Jen helped me see myself the way they see me - beautiful. So if you're feeling nervous about your shoot or if you're hesitant to book one because you haven't lost the weight yet, don't let that hold you back. I promise you that no matter how you look going into it, you will come out with a completely different perspective of yourself. That's why I keep coming back. It's exactly what I need in that moment to remind myself that no matter how I look, I am beautiful.